I was taking a break from homework and reading books and just wanted some time to unwind so I was searching to download a game that was fun and didn’t take much thinking to play.

As I was surfing, I came across several games that was saying things like, You Choose, My Story, Choose The Outcome, etc.

I thought to myself, doesn’t people know that they DO have a choice? Don’t they understand they could become anything that they dreamed and desired?

It’s the enemy job to discourage us, tell us lies and make us think it’s impossible to live out the desires that are in our hearts!

When we listen to these lies, we allow Satan to steal all that God has for us and we live life defeated and depressed!

I want to encourage you to listen to your dream that’s screaming inside of you, compelling you to get up, stand on God’s Word, and tell the enemy to get behind you because HE is the one that is defeated!!!! HE is the one that is doomed!!!! HE is the one that will never be anything more than a defeated foe!!!

You are MORE than a CONQUEROR!!!

You are a child of the most High King!

You are a child of the LIVING God who loves you unconditionally!!!!

Jesus wants you to live confidently in HIM, trusting Him to lead and guide you, allowing Him to control the reins that orchestrates your path!

Whatever dream you thought was long dead and gone, I would encourage you to give yourself permission to dream again!

Your life is not over, for some of you, it’s just begun and for others, you think your race is coming to an end but it is your experience, your hurt, your pain, your disappointments, your failures, your wisdom that you’ve learned from your mistakes that makes you the right person, at the right time; now in this season!!!

You don’t need a game to live out your dreams and desires, God is saying the time is NOW! Start today!!!

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