Recently, I was part of a Community Group in my church. We met on Sunday evenings and the semester was 12 weeks long.

We were reading the book by Joyce Meyer, “A Leader in the Making.” We ended the semester not finishing the entire book but I felt the Lord was prompting me to continue reading. In fact, I felt that I could not begin a new endeavor until it was completely finished!

Well, life happens and between work, home, and other commitments, the book fell to the way side. Oh, there were promptings. There were times of remembrance of, “you need to finish” “You need to complete this book by the end of May.”

Can I just say…I wished I would have listened!!! I went through a really hard time at work the last few weeks that led to me having a literal breakdown. As I picked the book up today to finish my quest; I realized had I not delayed, had I not been lazy, (let’s just call it for what it was) had I have prioritize it differently, I might not have went through such a struggle and would have possibly passed the test!

Now, I’m not so sure I did exactly what I was supposed to do?! Now, only time will tell if I have to re-take the test in the next season.

See, if we are really on a journey running hard after God, we don’t have time for re-takes! His timing is perfect and it’s actually up to us if we do things in His timing or ours! I have learned just to buckle up and do what I need to do regardless of how I feel, how tired I am, the circumstances around me or how much I THINK I deserve a “small” break. These are all lies we believe. These are all tactics the enemy uses to delay our purpose and calling from being fulfilled and impacting others!

The choice is yours. Will you choose His timing and be used mightily by God, helping those around you encounter Jesus, or will you choose your timing and continue to go around the same mountain, wallowing in self-pity, believing the lies of the enemy while asking, “why me?”

As for me…I have learned a very valuable lesson and will choose His timing from now on!!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for your comment, I have learned that sometimes it’s more about obedience. We can have plans and spreadsheets all we want but if we don’t listen and obey what the voice of God is telling us, which at times we do not understand, we will not be successful at the next level and therefore we have to go through the same season again and again because He will never promote us to a season that will destroy us. He is a love and He loves us.


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