Do you remember when you first starting riding a bike, how scary it was?

What would happen? You would wobble, sway vigorously from one side to the other, all while trying to balance yourself and keep it together.

Remember how your dad would run beside you and then let you go and you would fall? You would cry and as long as you got back up, he stood still, but the second you called out for him, “daddy!” he would come running, picking you up, dusting you off, telling you it was ok, then put you back on the bike…why? He wasn’t going to allow your fears of falling keep you from learning. So with you crying he places you back on the bike and there you go again!

I remember I was watching my sister ride her bike and it looked like so much fun until…she wrecked without shoes and they had to drill a hole in her toenail to relieve the pressure!

Ouch! It was bleeding and I remember thinking to myself, I will never ride my bike again! I never want a hurt my foot like that!

God showed me that anytime you are starting a new season, anytime you are trying something new, anytime you make mistakes, learning balance is like riding by a bike!

He will run beside you and then let go. His purpose is not so you will fall. His purpose is so you would learn. He will stand in confidence watching you try over and over, falling and getting back up and trying again but the second you call out for Him, He is right there friend!

Later I learned that the failure of my sister stumping her toe didn’t stop me from riding my bike like that, instead I just learned a lesson to make sure I had shoes on first!

How many times have we allowed the failures of others keep us from doing our best instead of learning from them and moving on!

We look at our situations and blame God for allowing us to fall but our perception is wrong, He’s really teaching us balance! His love for us is so much more than we could ever imagine!

Once you’ve learn how to walk, you never forget. Once you’ve learn how to ride a bike, you never forget!

Balance is a skill that once you learn it, you’ll never forget!

I haven’t rode a bike in forever but I guarantee you, I can climb on a bike today and take off! Yes, I might be a little wobbly at first but I’ve master the skill of balancing a bike!

Balancing is one of the most frustrating lessons you can learn. No one likes falling down and repeating that failure over and over but once you’ve got it, no one can take that away from you!

The next season you go through just remember, it’s not how many times you fall; it’s getting back up, not allowing your fears to keep you from learning balance!

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