So many times I have stood up and fought the good fight of faith. I thought declaring the Word with my mouth would defeat any enemy that came against me, and when I did not see immediate results, I would question if I was right with God. Did I have sin in my life? Why wasn’t my faith working like I thought it should? I would gauge my circumstances on whether God was for me or not by how quick my prayers were answered. My joy was a roller coaster ride; I was up one moment, riding on top of the world; I was down the next moment, spiraling at the first sign of adversity.

Doubt and insecurity set in, and before I knew it, I was living in hopeless despair. I would rebuke the devil, resist him, tell him he was not welcome in my home! I knew in Ephesians, Paul told me that I did not wrestle with flesh and blood, but I continued to feel less than victorious.

Every negative season that came my way, I was standing up and ready to fight. I would read Biblical passages stating: through Him we have victory, the joy of the Lord is our strength, and no weapons formed against us will prosper. I knew those were all promises that God had said in His word, and I realized my biggest mistake was thinking my victory was accomplished through me.

One night, it all started to make sense. I was in one of my down times; honestly, I was tired of fighting. I heard the Lord say to me, “Stand Up Mighty Warrior.” He then said, “Let me fight your battles.” Still confused, I asked the Lord, “What does this mean?” I recalled reading in His word where he says, “I am the I am.” Immediately, it was as if a light bulb turned on! Everything that I have ever needed, or will ever need, is found in Him! He left that blank for us! He is ___________. (insert your need here)

Remembering this, I stood up and started praising Him! “Lord, I thank you that you are my health!” “I thank you that you are my provider!” I continued thanking Him and praising Him! The longer I praised Him, the more victorious I became! You see, as I was standing and praising Him, I began fighting again! But, this time my fighting was different. Why so different, you may ask? I was fighting from victory, not for victory! I stopped relying on my own faith, and instead, began looking up towards Him. I was depending on Him; I was relying on Him; I was resting in His presence. I began asking for His presence to fill every inch of the room. I continued until I felt peace. I went to the next room, and then the next, until His presence filled my entire house!

Up until that moment, I had never realized I spent my time and energy fighting the enemy, but the enemy cannot stay where God’s presence is! It’s not us! It’s not me! It is all about Jesus! Jesus has already won the battle! You only need to stand Mighty Warrior and begin fighting by PRAISING Him for all he has done! You were chosen for such a time as this!

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